News from the Division of Grants Administration

Uniform Grants Guidance Bulletin #1: Introduction

The Uniform Grants Guidance becomes effective December 26, 2014, and governs all federal grants awarded on or after that date. (Grants awarded before December 26, 2014, will continue to be governed by the OMB circulars that were in effect when the grant was awarded.)

TEA staff are analyzing the Uniform Grants Guidance to determine what policies and procedures must be changed to conform to the new rules.


TEA Uniform Grants Guidance Communications

On November 14, 2014, the Division of Grants Administration posted a letter to the TEA Correspondence page alerting grantees to the new federal grants guidance soon to go into effect.

As mentioned in that letter, the Division of Grants Administration will be communicating details about the new “Uniform Grants Guidance” via periodic bulletins. In this, the first of those bulletins, we give pertinent background on the development of the new rules, define Uniform Grants Guidance, and explain what existing guidance the Uniform Grants Guidance replaces.

An examination of the Uniform Grants Guidance will begin in the next bulletin, which gives an overview of the guidance as codified in Title 2 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 200 (2 CFR 200).

For ease of reference, all bulletins will be linked to the Uniform Grants Guidance page of the TEA website (currently under development). In addition, the Uniform Grants Guidance page will consolidate other federal and TEA Uniform Grants Guidance information currently available.