News from TEA: The New EDGAR


On December 26, 2014, new regulations from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), codified as Title 2 of the Code of Federal Regulations (2 CFR) Part 200, were incorporated into general federal regulation. This change resulted in major updates to 34 CFR, also known as the Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR). The regulations previously contained in 34 CFR Parts 74 and 80 are replaced by 2 CFR 200, and the updates to 34 CFR are known as the new EDGAR.

As of 2011, when the process of developing the new EDGAR began, eight separate OMB circulars governed federal grants. Regulations were difficult for grantees to understand and follow. For state educational agencies like TEA, they were cumbersome to enforce. The new regulations are streamlined, with the intent of making them more cost effective, less burdensome, and more beneficial, with a performance rather than a compliance focus.

Refer to The New EDGAR page for details on the new regulations, including their effective/applicability date, purpose, a list of the OMB circulars they replace, and links to related TEA grantee guidance.