News from the Division of Federal Fiscal Compliance and Reporting

The Division of Federal Fiscal Compliance and Reporting has announced the USDE Guidance regarding IDEA-B LEA MOE. In late July 2015, the United States Department of Education (USDE) issued guidance on final regulations under Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA-B) related to local educational agency (LEA) maintenance of effort (MOE). The memorandum answers questions on the final regulations published in the Federal Register on April 28, 2015, which became effective on July 1, 2015.


The major changes in the final regulations document include:
  1. Clarification of the eligibility standard;
  2. Clarification of the compliance standard;
  3. Explanation of the subsequent years rule;
  4. Specification of the consequences for an LEA’s failure to maintain effort.

The USDE guidance is now available. For more information on this new guidance, please EMAIL.