Deadline Reminder from the Division of Federal Fiscal Compliance and Reporting November 12, 2015

News from TEA:
Upcoming Deadline Reminder from the Division of Federal Fiscal Compliance and Reporting

November 12, 2015: Deadline for Meeting Title I, Part A Comparability of Services Requirement

As described in the October 1, 2015, letter posted to the TEA Correspondence page, every year all LEAs must submit their documentation of compliance with the Title I, Part A comparability of services requirement. November 12, 2015, is the deadline for submitting required documents for the 2015–2016 school year.

All LEAs must complete and submit the Comparability Assurance Document (CAD). LEAs that do not meet any of the criteria for exemption must also complete and submit the Comparability Computation Form (CCF).

The CAD and CCF, along with instructions on how to complete and submit them, are available on the Title I, Part A Comparability of Services Requirement page of the TEA website and in the GFFC Reports and Data Collections secure application, accessible through TEASE/TEAL.

For Further Information: The Title I, Part A Comparability of Services Guidance Handbook, posted on the Title I, Part A Comparability of Services Requirement page of the TEA website, describes the comparability of services requirement and how LEAs must document compliance. With any further questions, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..