Federal Educational Grant Program Funding

CFDA Number : 84.103A
Program Type : Discretionary/Competitive Grants
Also Known As: TRIO Staff Training (This is one of eight TRIO programs.)

Program Description 

Through a grant competition, funds are awarded to institutions of higher education and other public and private nonprofit institutions and organizations to support training to enhance the skills and expertise of project directors and staff employed in the Federal TRIO Programs. Funds may be used for conferences, seminars, internships, workshops, or the publication of manuals. Training topics are based on priorities established by the Secretary of Education and announced in Federal Register notices inviting applications.

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Program Office: Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA)
CFDA Number: 84.235
Program Type: Discretionary/Competitive Grants, Contracts, Cooperative Agreements
Also Known As: Special Projects and Demonstrations

Program Description 

This program provides competitive grants to eligible entities to expand and improve the provision of rehabilitation and other services authorized under the Rehabilitation Act. Funding also is provided to further the purposes and policies of the act. More specifically, the program supports activities that increase the provision, extent, availability, scope, and quality of rehabilitation services under the act. Sec. 303 authorizes support of activities serving individuals with disabilities in an array of project types. These diverse projects may include effective practices that demonstrate methods of service delivery to individuals with disabilities, as well as such activities as technical assistance, systems change, model demonstration, special studies and evaluations, and dissemination and utilization of findings from successful, previously funded projects. Such expansions and improvement of rehabilitation and other services will lead to more employment outcomes for individuals with disabilities.

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Program Office: Rehabilitation Services Administration
CFDA Number: 84.128J
Program Type: Discretionary/Competitive Grants, Cooperative Agreements

Program Description

This program provides individuals with disabilities inclusive recreational activities and related experiences that can be expected to aid them in their employment, mobility, socialization, independence, and community integration. Project periods last three years and the federal share of costs is 100 percent in year 1, 75 percent in year 2, and 50 percent in year 3. Projects must maintain, at a minimum, the same level of services over the three-year project period and assure that the service program awarded will be continued after the federal assistance ends. 

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