Funding for the 21st Century High School After School Safety and Enrichment for Teens program

The California Dept of Education announced information on funding through the 21st Century High School After School Safety and Enrichment for Teens program.

Funding Description: The purpose of the After School Safety and Enrichment for Teens program is to create incentives for establishing locally driven after school enrichment programs that partner schools and communities to provide academic support and safe, constructive alternatives for high school pupils in the hours after the regular school day, and that support college and career readiness (California Education Code[EC] Section 8421).

Eligible Applicants: institutions of higher education, local educational agencies, nonprofit organizations, other organizations or agencies

Required Eligibility Criteria: Public or private entities are eligible to apply for 21st Century Community Learning Centers  funds (20 U.S.Code  §7173[a][3]) provided that they propose to serve Title I schools that have schoolwide programs, or a Title I school with at least 40 percent of the students eligible for Free or Reduced Price Meals and the school is 1) either in Program Improvement, or 2) been determined by the local educational agency (LEA) to be in need of intervention and support, and all programs must serve the families of students at these schools. 

For additional information: 21st Century High School After School Safety and Enrichment for Teens.