American Indian Education Center Program Application for 2017-18

CA Dept of Education Funding

Funding Name: 2017-18 American Indian Education Center Program Application

Eligible Applicants: nonprofit organizations, other organizations or agencies

Required Eligibility Criteria: Incorporated American Indian Associations-a California American Indian governed community-based organization that has received and maintains its non-profit status from the federal government and has current articles of incorporation on file with the state of California. It also means any tribally incorporated non-profit that either maintains separate non-profit status with the federal government or uses the incorporating tribal federal designation (P.L. 93-638).

Tribal Group-any federally recognized tribal government including terminated California tribes.

Funding Description: California Indian education centers serve as educational resource centers to American Indian students, parents, and public schools in American Indian communities. The centers assist in improving academic achievement and lowering dropout rates among American Indian students at all grade levels, including encouraging students to continue education beyond high school.

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